
Lessons on prashna kundali
Lessons on prashna kundali

I have lost my wedding ring will I recover it? The doctor recommended some treatment should I do it? Should I hire X as my building contractor in my real-estate development project? Who murdered the victim what can you tell me about the murderer? I have chosen them to show the wide variety and almost endless application that is limited only by one's own imagination and personal experiences: Which of the following three places, A, B, or C, is the best place to sink a well? The following list is a small sample of the thousands of questions I have been asked in the course of my practice. It is the perfect tool for making strategic and tactical decisions. Of course prasna is not limited to romantic ponderings, but can be applied to almost any situation wherein humans have questions.

  • Life of Govinda Bhattathiri, ]yotish Acarya.
  • From the Astrologer’s Diary: The Night Dacoits Stole Srimati Radharani.
  • You might be surprised to learn how accurately a trained astrologer is able to zero in on the correct answer. Pondering, worrying, and brooding over it is the gestation period. How does it work? The conception of a question is the thought which enters one's mind. What to do? After suitably pondering the situation, they would ask a Vedic astrologer the question: What will be the result for my son if he marries girl X? The Vedic astrologer notes the time the question is asked, calculates the chart, analyzes it, and then gives a scientific answer. But they don't want to make any commitment just yet or reveal their intentions thus they certainly don't want to jeopardize their interests by directly asking for the girl's birth particulars. Imagine parents of a traditional Indian household, who meet a particularly qualified girl who perchance is the perfect match for their son. The real close-up shot or microscopic view would be to focus just on one question for a specific period of time. To get more detail one could zoom in and look at a smaller segment of time, say, the duration of a planetary major period or, even smaller, the planetary sub-period, or perhaps a year or six months.

    #Lessons on prashna kundali full

    One gets the full view, but it seems far away, and one cannot see all the details. We again remind you of the metaphor of photography, in which a Natal chart reading is like using a wide-angle lens. This is called Horary Astrology in the West. One of the most useful and dynamic branches of Vedic astrology is Prashna, which literally means question.

    Lessons on prashna kundali